
apnata jquery autocomplete doesn't work

I also did not want to download 127MB plugin, and I am doing a big PDT project in Eclipse so I was wary of a new perspective. I spent a bunch of time on Aptana and it never worked, so am sharing my steps to save someone else time. Note I have PDT installed already and some other notes say you have to install Aptana first. That doesn't help me too much.
  1. Help > Install New Software
  2. Add Aptana download site (http://update.aptana.com/install/studio/)
  3. Important - Uncheck "Group Items By Category"
  4. Select Aptana Web Development Tools (Subset of entire studio)
  5. Complete Installation
  6. On Restart of Eclipse you get a "Customize Aptana Studio" popup
  7. Under AJAX Libraries select JQuery
  8. Get "Aptana Support for jQuery"
  9. Complete installation (second restart of Eclipse)
  10. Open a JS file, Window - Open Perspective - Other - Aptana
  11. Still doesn't work, so Window - Preferences - Aptana / Editors / JavaScript / Code Assist
  12. Check JQuery
  13. File Restart
  14. File New Project - Aptana - Web Project
  15. Create JS file and paste whatever you were working on here, or start new
I tried all kinds of stuff to get the code-complete to work, I copied over entire htm and js files, saved them, waited a long time after typing a period, etc.
Now I am going to work on uninstalling Aptana.